List of Dams in Oregon
Agency Valley Dam
Antelope Dam
Applegate Dam
Arthur R. Bowman Dam
Barney Dam
Berry Creek Dam
Big Cliff Dam
Blue River Dam
Bonneville Locks and Dam
Brownlee Dam
Bull Run Lake Dam
Bully Creek Dam
Carty Reservoir Dam
Chickahominy Reservoir Dam
Clear Branch Dam
Cold Springs Dam
Cooper Creek (Sutherlin) Dam
Cottage Grove Dam
Cottonwood Dam
Cougar Dam
Crane Prairie Dam
Crescent Lake Dam
Detroit Dam
Development No. 1 Dam
Development No. 2 Dam
Dexter Dam
Dorena Dam
Drews Dam
Emigrant Dam
Fall Creek Dam
Fern Ridge Dam
Fish Lake Dam
Foster Dam
Fourmile Lake Dam
Galesville Dam
Gerber Dam
Greaser Lake Reservoir Dam
Green Peter Dam
Haystack Dam
Hells Canyon Dam
Hills Creek Dam
Howard Prairie Dam
Hyatt Dam
John Day Lock and Dam
Keno Dam
Krumbo Dam
Lemolo No 1 Dam
Link River Diversion Dam
Lookout Point Dam
Mason Dam
Mcguire Dam
Mckay Dam
Moon Reservoir Dam
North Fork Dam
Ochoco Dam
Oswego Lake Dam
Owyhee Dam
Pelton Dam
Pilcher Creek Dam
Pine Hollow Dam
Pony Creek - Upper Dam
Rock Creek-Upper (Harney) Dam
Round Barn Reservoir Dam
Round Butte Dam
Scoggins Dam
Siltcoos Lake Dam
Smith Dam
Suttle Dam
Tahkenitch Lake Dam
The Dalles Lock and Dam
Thief Valley Dam
Thompson Valley Reservoir Dam
Timothy Lake Dam
Unity Dam
Wallowa Lake Dam
Warm Springs Dam
Wasco Dam
Wickiup Dam
Willamette Falls Dam
William L. Jess Dam
Willow Creek 3 (Malheur) Dam
Willow Creek Dam
Willow Creek Dam
Wolf Creek Dam